Saturday: 1419

We had a fairly domestic day, with some chores, but in the evening went to a very fun dinner party. Friends of P and J's invited us - we had a great evening with a new mix of people. The flat we visited was amazing too - very stylish and full of art.

In the meantime, US news is driving us crazy! We have had the news on for much of the day and it's all been related to Hurricane Irma hitting Florida (tomorrow, folks - it hasn't happened yet). Fair enough, but I have never had such news overload for something that hasn't happened yet. Added to that, would anyone even like to acknoweldge the countries/islands it has already hit? You'll have to dig beyond the 'news' channels to find out about Barbuda, Cuba etc. To me, news should be about what has happened, rather than potential/anticipatory news stories.


On a different note, I have rarely laughed so much reading a book as when I read 'Hand Grenade Practice in Peking' by Frances Wood - lousy title, great book. Wood spent a year in Beijing in 1975 and was determined to survive the year by being amused. And she conveys that amusement beautifully. K. is now going to read it to get her revenge on me giggling like a ninny while I was reading it at bedtime.

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