An earlier than I needed start to the day, but there was stuff to be done. Once the stuff was done (mainly CarbBoy being scalped of almost all hair) we were off to the party. Mostly this space was fuller (including, for a really long time, a couple under a blanket in the middle of the kids' football game), but a sharp shower cleared away all but the stalwarts (us, and this couple with a brolly).
A very fun day, seeing lots of folk I don't see nearly often enough (including some people who I only see at this party and every year remember how much I like them). It ended a bit later than it really ought to have done - given that the gates were locked when we tried to get out and we had to jump over a wall. But then back to Shepherds Bush for curry, wine and far too much chat until Mr B did the sensible thing and made me go to bed before I spilt any more wine (on myself).
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