Check out my tummy.........................

......................And what do you see? You see a lovely, clean, white, shiny fur tummy.

Check out Ozzy's tummy and what do you see? You see a dirty, stinky, caked in mud, tummy.

Ozzy has been a very naughty boy today ................................ and I have behaved like the most 'perfect pooch' in the whole wide world.

This is what happened:

This afternoon, Ann said we would go for our walk along the lane, down the little path from the farm which leads to the coastal path, and then back along the coast to home. It's one of my favourite walks because I'm allowed off my lead for pretty much the whole walk so I get more than an hour of running about time.

Anyway before we left the house Ann gave us a little pep talk. She said that because she'd allowed us to get muddy yesterday, did she have a choice?! today we had to do what she wanted and stay clean. Much as I like pretending that I'm a hippo and wallowing in mud, I thought that was fair comment. I've lived with Ann long enough to know that Friday nights are 'wine drinking nights', not bathing dogs nights.

Unfortunately Ozzy does not have a very wide range of vocabulary so he obviously didn't have a clue what she was wittering on about.

As soon as I saw him heading for the mud I tried to persuade him to come and play with me in all the ferns and undergrowth instead. There's lovely smells there and I managed to stay clean and still have fun at the same time.

However, Ozzy was determined to go 'mud wallowing', so then Ann said, 'Go get clean Ozzy'. Well that means that he had to go and wallow in a rock pool to get clean. Seems like a simple enough request to me but Ozzy just looked at Ann as if she were mad?! Mmmm he could be right?!

But, he just didn't seem to understand what he had to do.

Sooooooooo, I ended up showing him how to get clean in a rock pool ...................................... and Ann ended up with two stinky, wet dogs that had to be dried??!!!

So much for 'wine drinking Friday'??!!

PS - Ann once read that a dog knows as many words as a 2 year old child, and that can be anything between 50 - 200 words. Having Ozzy to stay has made Ann realise how good my understanding of vocabulary is. She says that if I were a human I would most definitely be a member of 'Mensa'.

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