From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Caught in the act

Well, it wasn't so bad a day. I had an egg muffin in McDonalds to start with and then spent all morning sorting out my loop problem. It seems ridiculously easy now when I look at it. You know what they say on these quiz shows:- it's only easy if you know the answer and I clearly didn't. I was panicking a bit through lack of time and other things piling up makes it worse of course.

Drat! Still, it's sort of done now. I live to fight another day. On with the next catastrophe....

What did I do in the afternoon? This was not my greatest moment. I don't normally go to these things but as the rest of my team were all disappearing up to Oracle at Blythe Valley abandoning me, I thought I'd grab a lift and go too. It's a nice place, don't get me wrong although it's the kind of place I find quite terrifying really. Everyone else there seems to know what they are doing, umming and ahhing at just the right moment in hushed class rooms or having a really intelligent debate in other lively class rooms. I'm so dense, I feel intimidated by the guy bringing the tea in!

I ate loads of biscuits (I'm an expert there!!) and attempted to make a cup of tea. How the hell do you get hot water out of those things? I stood there with a red face, finally realised I had to press something before trying to pour, split my tea bag down the middle, filled my saucer with milk and when I sat down, nearly missed the chair in my haste. Then there is that horrible bit where you introduce yourself to everyone else from the office and two Oracle salesmen. I nearly ran out then or did a Barry in Auf Wiedersehen Pet saying 'Errrr....I really shouldn't be here....I was just looking for Hazel...'

After two hours, I decided to go to the loo, couldn't find it and fled from the smiling sinister-looking cleaner back into the room and fidgeted until home time. I thought I'd get my Blip for the day while everyone was gazing at the screen. Horrors! I was spotted! It was like the curse of the Medusa and I felt myself turning to stone for a second. Honestly, I couldn't wait until the bell went and we could leave. Well there was no bell; it's just how I felt....

To celebrate escaping, here's Alice!

School's Out

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