Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Stuff my Mum gave me....part 1

Remember a couple of weeks ago my lovely Mum gave me some of Nanny's 'stuff' and I said I shall blip bits and pieces,well here is the first part....this is original Carnival glass,mum is not sure if it was Nan or Gramps that won this piece... but I don't care as I loved them both and I love this little jug regardless.
I researched how carnival glass came about and they actually sell for more money that I thought,but it is not for sale !!! it means too much.Plus I have made my Mum VERY happy by keeping so much of Nan's trinkets...

here is some info on Carnival glass... LOOK HERE FOR A HISTORY LESSON...

Well,I could not possibly post a blip without some form of incident.... Mrs Neurotic and I held a new parents coffee morning at our school... I don't mean women who have just lobbed a sprog* out I mean parents with little ones who have just started at T.J. Shall we say I am not convinced we have not given 30 adults nightmares for the next few months...... they were a bit waxy looking as they left the hall... it might have been my speech...... I did manage to curb the swearing... and I passed up on a chocolate covered biscuit.Well anyway I have secured about 6 new members for my army PTA .... water boarding was involved.That will teach them to resist my powers.

Cake/sweet treat intake... 3 YES THREE iced buns purchased by DDLC to cheer me and my shitty headache up.....she also brought me a lovely cheese and tomato roll with seeds on it.... gotta love M&S*

Sadie update.... toilet training cracked ... she is a super star... and now we have learned to sit to get a small treat,when I say we, I will happily sit for the right sort of treat too ;)

headache update.. AWFUL... I went to bed this afternoon and woke up worse and ended up missing a meal out with Moonchoops,Velvet frog and DDLC :(

*sprog... slang for baby..
*M&S a popular small supermarket type thing......

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