
By stuartjross

MacMillan Care

Nearly all words tonight must be about the MacMillan Coffee Morning in Roy Bridge Hall tomorrow, 11.00am Saturday 29 September.

Mhairi, friends, neighbours and family have all been busy baking and preparing stuff for the event. Home baking remains very popular with folk. There will be many types of cake, biscuits, shortbread, meringues and much much more. Some of this will be for with the tea and coffee of the patrons but there will be a baking stall with batches bagged to purchase and take home. There will also be a variety of jams and chutney for sale.
Our older son L has made some key ring fobs with unique photos and logos and he will have a stall to sell them at. He is giving all the proceeds having bought the blanks with his own money. Our younger son S will be running a guess the cuddly toy name sheet.

As a community Roy Bridge is hugely supportive of this annual event and we all look forward to an enjoyable and successful day. Sadly most people's lives have been affected by cancer some how and everyone feels that the MacMillan Care charity is a worthy one to support.

If you are local -or even if you are not- please come along.

Photo, just a nice leafy burn I saw at the side of the road today

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