
By RaceyTrace333


This afternoon we had another storm, and the rain fell. This is on Celebration Boulevard, where are car has just gone past and sprayed all the rain water on the road. Car to fast to get in picture as well.

I though some of you would want to see some rain over here, as you have had so much over there! Still It is a lot warner with the weather.

I do not know what it is about Friday's but they are very stressful since being in America, and being end of month as well extra pressure.

Well the weekend finally started, although a bit late, I am going to have a lie in, in the morning, no alarm. I bet I wake up at the same time, lets wait and see.

Tomorrow afternoon I am hopefully going out with someone from the office for a drive around, going to attempt the 192! As I want to go to Walmart (Asda to you). Should be fun.

See you all over the weekend. I will try and catch up on comments tomorrow, so tired I need my bed, which I have to say is really comfy, and not slept so well for months! Hope you all have a good one

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