
By Lenore

Under the weather

The youngest has caught a cold from the eldest.  The eldest seems to be feeling a bit better, thank goodness, but still isn't tip top. The youngest spent most of the night in our bed and had a pretty bad nights sleep.  Whether he would have  slept better in his cot, who knows...  Tired parents this morning (I think I came off worse, but the husband may not agree with that).  

All in all, it's just been one of those days... whilst trying to fix my 'nothing is going to work today' hair this morning, the boys entertained themselves by drawing on the wall with crayons, turns out that when you take the crayon off, the paint comes off  too.  Went to the library to find that the brilliant 'we'll text you before the books are due back' system hasn't worked and we had to pay a fine - only after retrieving the coins the eldest had hidden under the machine.  Coming back, the eldest fell asleep in the car, the youngest had his lunch but then refused to go to sleep and needed over an hour to finally get there. And of course, in the mean time, the eldest woke up and wanted his lunch.

See....  just one of those days.  By the end of the day, the youngest had decided that he didn't want to be anywhere aside from on me, somehow we got dinner on the table and made it through to the end of the day. 

This is a picture of the youngest from a different day, a complete cheat for today.  But it kind of sums up how we all feel today.  Tomorrow, the boys are off to the childminder for the morning for the first time,  I think I'm going to find it really hard and already feel dreadful about them spending a morning with someone they hardly know.  

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