Brightly Blowing

There are certain things that just appeal - washing lines are one of them! Colour coordinated ones are just a delight! My neighbours washing has been on the line for 2 days, they seem to have erratic living patterns, I only really know they are next door when I hear loud music  or their grandchildren playing. Washing on the line only means they were there at some point in the last few days as it can be up for days! I took photos in the morning and then again in the afternoon when there was an intermittent wind - washing is all the better for being blown! I nearly blipped the hens as I have for my last two blip anniversaries - but as I am all about changing my habits at the moment ....! 
Looking at my blips over the 3 years I am pleased to see photographs of pretty things - well at least to me! I can't say these past 3 years have been happy ones - but they have had their happy times and even when the day has been bad I have found some beauty for myself, and thats what I am going to try to remember and to let go of the unhappy ones. There is no doubt in my mind that my present state of unwell being is more than a physical upset, which is why I can't seem to shift it. I am allowing myself to heal quietly and slowly from the stress of many years and to adopt a different frame of mind and way of being. Eating my breakfast this morning I once again realised how tightly I was holding myself - all my muscles tensed as if ready for flight and action. That was how my working life was and how Friends needs required me to be. 
So I relaxed all my muscles, slowly savoured the contrast of  soft melon and crisp pain au chocolate in my mouth, listened to the birds in my garden and watched them preening their feathers as they perched delightfully on my bamboo. 
Thank you for following me through my turbulent days - for sharing my highs and lows, tolerating my rants or laughing at my escapades, consoling me through my dark days. 
Just a deeply felt and meant thank you x

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