Junonia Coenia

I refuse to call this butterfly a Common Buckeye...for 2 reasons.
1. Nothing this pretty should be called a common anything.
2. In Michigan, we refuse to say buckeye...because it is associated with the Ohio State Buckeyes. That's almost worse than swearing.

We're an hour away from the big 40th reunion night. I'm stalling as long as I can. After seeing a lot of heavy heavy drinking at the pizzeria last night...it makes me wonder what we're in for tonight.

My wife is on me again for being a TV sluggard. I love watching the Ryder Cup when it comes around, and have been glued to the set. The U.S. is doing well. The one thing I don't like is the handful of too-loud, and too-boisterous fans that come out for the matches. Shut up, and let the boys play golf...showing a little dignity and respect.

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