michigan man

By outdoorguy

Juvie Robin

I'm starting to run out of options. The dragonflies are gone, and the bees and flowers are dwindling. The geese are in the air, and the ducks are listless. That's why I was surprised to see a raggle(new word) of robins. In one small area...there must have been 50 of the red-breasted meat-eaters.

This youngster was pecking the ground, and getting some grubs for grub. I was surprised to see one so young this late into the season. I liked the perplexing look he is giving me, and the dots on his breast/tummy that have yet to turn to orange.

First night of volleyball for me. I have to drive the doc home, and hurry back to play. My ankle is about 90 per cent, so that concerns me a little. I'll wrap it up, and I'll wear high-top sneakers. BUMP-SET-SPIKE. Can't wait to play. It's the only thing I can play anymore without being sore for a week.

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