a new year!

By Thesalh70

The end or the beginning?!

Saturday morning and as usual no lie in. Woke at half six and lay thinking of all the things I had to do until 7am, then got up for a cuppa.

The sun was just starting to rise, the start of a promised beautiful day! Cold start though, the clear skies and full moon last night had left a chill over the early morning.

Did a few jobs, then weekend breakfast, eggs benedict, then shower and out by 9am.

Shopping and then back to mine ready for the visit of Li and fizz dog who are taking over my house for the day whilst their house is being poshed up.

I'm off out into town for shopping and then late lunch and drinks with friends. I get the train into town, and nearly headed north rather than south, that's what you get for not wearing lenses or glasses!

Great afternoon, good laughs and food and plenty of drinks.

Train back at 8.40. A lovely afternoon ends where it began!

Home now and sat outside under a full moon, with a g&t raising a glass to Lou, 2 years today.

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