Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Half my knights are stuck on the motorway - SilS51

Today the traffic in Winchester ground to a gridlock (if that makes any sense - I think it does though it's not really English!).  There was an accident on the M3 and the road was closed.  When that happens, all the traffic has to come though the city's narrow streets.  It took me an hour on buses to get 2 miles to the doctors', after which I had a long walk from Badger Farm down to the St Cross Michaelmas Fete.  Delights of this event included craft stalls, falconry displays and battling knights.  How could I resist?

When I arrived at midday the ladies who organised it were in a slight flap.  Very few visitors had arrived because of the traffic chaos, an owl had escaped from its keeper and was sitting on a high roof refusing to come down, but there were knights.  I met up with my sis and we watched them bashing 7 bells out of eachother.  If you look carefully in this picture, you can see Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn picking up tips for the Party Conference season.  On leaving - after the knightly display - one of the flappy ladies were heard to moan, "But half my knights are stuck on the motorway."

So this is today's SilS from me.  Many thanks to Admirer for organising what is swiftly becoming my favourite challenge.  So many silly things - such fun to blip!

Enjoy your Saturday night and Sunday morning ;)  xx

PS: I have just added an Extra of the escaping owl, Flo, with her handler giving her a silent ticking off just after they were reunited!

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