The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Hi Ho

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Everyone was in the office today. It all went pretty well but there was a proper argument between two of my colleagues over both of them insisting on coming in at 5 am on Monday. I chose not to plead my case for coming in at that time as it is COMPLETE LUNACY. That's why we have call out. I will be happily in the land of nod. There was storming out the office and everything! I'm sure I spotted some tumbleweed rolling around.

My day was lightened with random texts from the very stoned Explorer. Mr D**k Wad the surgeon had made a point of coming in specifically to see her (on a Saturday) to apologise for the cock up with her care. It was lucky for him that she is on a cocktail of Morphine, Tramadol & Oxycodone. She was too wasted to be annoyed.

I popped in to see her after work. She had asked Jessie to stop shouting. Jessie responded by telling The Explorer that she was a sh*teing sh*te who would roast in hell! She was sweetness and light to me and asked me to be her friend. I am concerned that she sees me as a like minded individual!

Rod (from work) and Biker Chick came round for a curry and a few drinks. I may have accidentally ended up being very drunk. It has been a long week.


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