Cuddles with Grandad

First rubbish sleep for an earlier night tonight!

We've been over to middle son and DiLs today, hes on holiday this week. Olivia was at school, Isabella was at nursery, so four of us had a quiet lunch at home before DiL and I collected Isabella, whilst the men made a start painting their newly errected fence.

When we got back, I joined in with the painting, Isabella had a brush too....and with mummys help did her bit, alhtough there was more on her top, and the floor ;-)

Mummy & Daddy had to visit school fo half an hour, before coming back with Olivia. We tidied up, washed the brushes etc. whilst Isabella played on the trampoline. We changed out of our painting clothes, then made a cuppa, and sat down to watch Paw Patrol with Isabella.
Todays blip is Isabella having cuddles and fun with grandad :-)

We stayed for dinner, DiL had made a lovely Lasagne, which we all enjoyed other than Isabella, although she liked the garlic bread :-)

We had an easy trip both ways on the M6, today which was well overdue ;-)

Lastly, I want to say how,lovely you all are, and hiw I,appreciate all those stars and hearts for yesterdays anniversary, youre all too kind, thank you :-))

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