You've been framed

A reasonable nights sleep.....a bit restless, think it was a bit on the warm side last night, even though it absolutely tipped it down for about 8 hours!!!

Thankfully the weather today has been even better than forecast, which was great, as we had already said we would go somewhere so we could get a good walk in.....we ended up in one of our favourite places, Southport. I snapped this girl, through the victorian like shelter on the pier, as she was photographing the view, Im quite pleased with how,its turned out actually. Sorry to John39, another mini blip meet missed, as he is laid up just now, get well soon J :-)

Hubs knuckle on his index finger has all swelled up and is wuite painful, we think its after all the fence painting at middle sons yesterday :-/ We walked 16,000 steps today, his foot stood up well......probably overdid it slightly though, in hindsight :-/

We had lunch out, again, very enjoyable, sat in the bright sunshine, under a glass roofed you can see in the extra.

Quizzing tonight, a team of four, as our newest additions are away this dont hold your breath ;-)))))

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