The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Learning Curve

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Youngest Mini Princess was annoyed after school. Someone had come in to talk to them about giving some thought to potential careers. 'How am I supposed to know? I'm 12'. I feel for her. I don't know and I'm 44. I'm not sure my skill set of baking and throwing groovy shapes in my kitchen when drunk are relevant to too many jobs.

Eldest Mini Princess announced that she loves Relgious Education (RE). 'We are going to be watching The Simpsons tomorrow in class'. When she caught my look of surprise, she added 'It DOES have some educational value. Its about making good choices or something'.


I'm not sure that using Bart Simpson as a bad example is going to have the desired effect. I hope she's prepared for a chorus of 'Eat my shorts' at the next lesson.


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