The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Reality Check

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

I went out last night and it was an odd night. For some reason it didn’t work. I was out with The Disciple, The Doctor and Monkey Boy. The Disciple hated his food and went on and on and on about it which sucked the joy out of the evening and there was also quite a lot of ‘competition banter’ which didn’t quite hit the spot. I think I just wanted a proper blether with my people.

My happy place is at home with The Normals and it feels like a waste to leave it if I’m not having a good time.

I was reflecting this morning (not that I over analyse) and feeling slightly glum when I noticed a parcel sitting on the worktop which I hadn’t noticed.

Thank you O’H dear. The timing was perfect. It completely brightened my day because it was so nice to think that you were thinking of me.

It was a good reminder that my people are always there, even when they aren’t here.


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