Harvest time (Day 875)

The morning wander up the hill with the woofers was a bit unpleasant in thick drizzle blown along by a strong wind. As I arrived back home, the rain became heavier.
After a bit of paperwork, my beautiful wife and I zoomed in to town with the woofers for their annual health check and vaccinations. They both behaved remarkably well, though Talisker clearly thought that a cat in a cat carrier box was some kind of lunchbox just for him.
Back at home as the rain eased off and the sun started to break through, I was off out again to deal with a blocked drain. The drain was blocked with masses of wet wipes which don't break down and just cause huge problems. I have 20 metres of drain rods. I had pretty much all of the rods down the drain trying to push the blockage along when the rods separated, leaving 8 metres of rods stuck 12 metres down the drain. A trip to town to get more rods, and a lot of swearing, and I managed to push the escaped rods to the septic tank where I retrieved them. I am absolutely sure that there is nothing in the 30 metre drain now. If you have any wet wipes, take the whole packet and throw them in the bin. They are awful things.
Back home, and after a shower and throwing everything I had been wearing in the washing machine, I jumped on the motorbike and blasted across to Coldomo to catch up with HV and Ej. My arrival at Coldomo was well timed and I was able to get a shot of the combine getting the barley in under a great big blue sky.
Surely I deserve a glass of wine...

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