Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Colourful Sunday

A quick Sunday morning ride while the washing was on. I cycled out to East Lothian. I couldn't use the coast road there was a half marathon event on. Instead I headed out to Dalkeith.then up to Humbie on the B6371. Also on was the PoppyScotland Sportive. All the cyclists I met on the B road were heading in the opposite direction. I say hello to all the riders. Just before Humbie, I stop to get a wee photo for my blip.

I head down toward Haddington, more PoppyScotland cyclists, so more greetings. On the Gifford road, I head west to East Saltoun, and then back roads through West Saltoun and then the B6371. Now I'm riding with some of the riders, bu remind them I am not on PoppyScotland. I head back to Dalkeith and then home via Gilmerton and the Braid Hills Road..

I deal with the washing and have lunch.

In the afternoon, I head down to Morningside, and walk to Blackford Pond. A couple of Goldeneye Ducks are eyeing up each other. I head up the hill passing the observatory, then down to Cameron Toll. I meet my partner for coffee and we do some shopping.

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