Clouds and Leaping Dogs

...It was still hot as hell today.......however there are promising clouds in the sky.
The boys and I went to a park that we discovered the other seemed to go on forever and looked so wonderful until we found out that it was the golf links and there were lots of people with their clubs and golf carts eyeing us suspiciously.
On further investigation it was a 'Dog on Lead' park...jeez! as usual I broke the rules.......I am just waiting for the rangers to come and fine me....I will give them a piece of my mind that's for sure.

Those little guys just love to run and explore together...such a strong bond of boy and dog is forming.....on one hand its very very sweet and just what I wanted to happen on the other hand they get up to so much mischief it's ridiculous.

I didn't know which image to post as my main image today....I love the one (extra) of Beetle leaping but there was something that touched me about this one of them walking toward the lake (which believe me looks better in mono) with the clouds in the sky and the lovely flat grassland going on forever.
I am enjoying the effect of mono lately.....I am starting to see some wisdom in Sleepy's love for it not to mention Cheeryoscuro's lovely shots.

Having trouble uploading again...the internet has been a bit crappy and annoying of late....I think this is going to take a couple of hours to upload so I might go and have some dinner an come back.

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