The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

The Hills Are Alive

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

I took Murphy up the hill before going to work. Unusually, I was the ONLY person up there. There was no one else to be seen. This NEVER happens. It was almost eerie. When I got to the top of the hill, I just couldn’t help myself. I had a complete Sound Of Music moment and burst (loudly) into song. Whilst it was a little pocket of unadulterated joy, I am very glad that no one appeared round the side of the gorse bushes to question my sanity.

There was another deployment at work. This one was quite small and I finished earlier than expected at 4. Dodzilla suggested going for a quick drink and we headed off to the Refinery.

I can’t even how explain how excited I was. As I normally finish to coincide with the end of the school day, I haven’t gone to the pub straight from work for years. The excitement of Friday beers. I was giddy before I had even ordered!

I stuck to a whole two beers and headed home to the Prince and Mini Princesses feeling quite merry. A lovely call from a Lovely Tea Jenny was the perfect end to my evening (although weirdly the phone call ended because she needed a pee!)


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