The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

A Mental Block

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Today, The Eldest Mini Princess and I were supposed to be doing the ‘Ageing Well’ 8 mile walk with Mary Doll and Victor.

Obviously I had to drop out of that plan, but The Eldest Mini Princess valiantly said she would still go. She did however, rudely suggest that I was faking my injury after last year’s debacle.

My in-laws, Penny and Albert came to visit mid afternoon and stayed for dinner. I decided that Physio Paul’s flippant comment of ‘wine will help haha’ was in fact genuine medical advice and that you should always listen to health care professionals.

I was in good company as Penny and I managed to get through a couple of bottles over the course of the evening. She did amuse me by mocking Albert and The Prince* for ‘drinking too slowly’ and telling them to ‘catch up’!

When they left, we watched an episode of ‘Life In Pieces’. In one of the stories, Colleen is taken to the hospital with stomach pains, and it is revealed she hasn't done a "number two" since her boyfriend Matt moved in the week before.

The Prince and I both looked at each other and laughed knowingly which led to us explaining to The Mini Princesses that for the first 3 weeks of our cohabiting bliss, I wouldn’t go for a poo if he was in!

It must be lovely for them to hear the stories of their parents’ early romantic days!


*With the benefit of hindsight, ‘Albert’ is probably not the best blip name I have ever chosen, given how often it will be used in conjunction with ‘Prince’!

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