The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

All Creatures Great And Small

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

I took Murphy to the vet today for a routine check up. I LOVE taking him to see the vet. Pretty much in the same way that I would love scooping out my eyes with a melon baller.

He honestly thinks it is like the dog version of Magic Sodding Kingdom with all those other dogs AND cats. He gets soooo excited. After what seemed like like an eternity (5 mins) of him being in a deranged frenzy in the waiting area, we were called through. He refused to step on the scales and when I attempted to help him up, he did his best gazelle impression and leaped off almost removing my arm from its socket in the process. He then barked constantly at the vet and started trying to run around the room after nicking the door wedge. It took two of us to hold him to get his vaccinations.

I tried to make light of it by commenting that most dogs are probably a bit wound up when they go to the vet but she assured me that Murphy was indeed quite exceptional.

Perhaps he has a crystal ball and can see into his future. He is booked in next Friday to ensure that he is not led astray by wanton lady dogs. He may not be as excited about going there again.


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