The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Glad To See The Back Of It

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Yaaaaay, the rubbish piece of work that I was doing for the POC (Proof Of Concept) is over.

Analyst Jeff, Rod and I have lobbied The Boss for budget for an end of (a)POC(alypse) night out. He didn’t seem to think this was necessary and complained that he has already organised a team night out next week.

I pointed out that this attitude is a clear example of the ongoing issue where people feel that their achievements are not acknowledged or appreciated by the higher echelons.

We magnanimously said that we will settle for a separate cordoned off ‘VIP’ area on the team night out. We will then grant or deny access to our lesser colleagues depending on the quality of their chat. Security is obviously essential to keep out the BIP (Bants Is Pants) contingent. We also submitted a hospitality rider for 2 litres of Krug (with sparklers), a bottle of Grey Goose and 12 cans of Tennants.

Should be a great night!


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