
By Lenore


I've had a night out!! 

Evening in London with many, many friends at a dinner, where I think we all felt quite special.  I saw lots of old faces and we spent a good number of hours reminiscing, telling our old tales and picking up exactly where we all left off.  I know many are still enjoying the evening and I hated having to leave to catch the train.  There are going to be some very sore heads tomorrow morning, but I'm sure no-one will mind as it will all be worth it.  

I took the boys out this morning to a local coffee shop that has  a pay area and spent an hour running around with them, pushing endless toy cars and tractors and just enjoying being outside with them.  They both shunned their nap, which I'm hoping was actually a good thing, as they may have gone to sleep nice and early.  The last I heard, the boys had been picked up from the childminder, both had fallen asleep in the car and the husband was in the fish and chip shop getting his dinner.  I just hope they stayed asleep.  

Very late night for me, I'll be lucky to be in bed by 2am, but it's all been very much worth it.  Obviously, I had a wealth of things I could have taken a picture of, but of course, didn't.  So I snapped a quick selfie, rushing to leave for a train (well, before stylishly changing in the ladies so I didn't get the train in my 'black tie' clothes).  

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