I don't like my new routine!

On Wednesday I told all you lovely Blippers about my new routine re Ann's new job. Today Ann went to work again and she attempted to take me for my long walk first thing this morning. I don't want to go for a long walk first thing in the morning. First thing in the morning I'm a sleepy little collie and I just want to go for a short walk so that I can have a wee and a poo?! I like to have my long 'run about' walk for an hour or so in the afternoon.

Unfortunately because Ann now has a new job at 'Baberton Golf Club' (which incidentally must be the most friendliest golf club in the world – Ann loves it) my routine has to change a bit...................... But I don't want my routine to change. I'm 91 years old (in human years) and I'm set in my ways. So I don't want my long walk to be in the morning.

…....................So now Ann has a new plan for me.......................... On the three days that she is working, I'm only going to get 'on my lead' walks. And on the four days that she's not working we're going to go on 'big long walks'.

Ann says it's really difficult owning an 'old gorgeous little collie'. This afternoon she finished work at 3pm, popped into Asda and so didn't get home till after 4pm. Then I went on my walk through the grounds of the 'Royal Edinburgh Hospital' because they've constructed this fabulous new walkway (where I've been Blipped). There were zillions of squirrels to chase but I was on my lead. Boohooo.

….............Then Ann wanted to go swimming because one of her little projects is 'Aspire Swim the English Channel Challenge' and she's still got 1260 lengths of the local pool to swim before 4th December. (If any of you lovely Blippers want to sponsor her please go to her 'Just Giving' page. It's for spinal injuries; such a good cause.) However, Ann didn't go swimming because she didn't want to leave me 'home alone' again. So she will have to do extra lengths tomorrow.

Lots of 'soaps' to watch tonight.

Goodnight all. xxx

PS - Haven't a clue how to put in a link to Ann's 'Just Giving' page.  It's saying that it's set as 'private' so don't seem to be able to share it???  Haven't a clue what that means???  #technologyisgreatwhenitworksandanightmarewhenitdoesn't

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