a new year!

By Thesalh70

A step in the right direction

Blimey, it's October! The month when it all changes, autumn kicks in, the clocks change, candles and fires get lit, as we start to head towards another winter!

Must admit, I love the dark nights initially, when you get in, curtain shut, rads on, and curl up on the settee. By jan I've had enough of them and I'll be checking everyday for the first signs of spring, which are usually a long way off these winters!

Well, Monday rolled around. Strangely it didn't feel like a doomsday Monday, but with the sun shining across a blue sky, it felt good.

Into work, and gave mum a lift so she could go off shopping. The morning went quick and at lunch I went out a walk. Today is day one of our team steps challenge. We need to do 10000 steps a day, and by the end of October, the team need to have done over 3m! This is one thing where having short legs gives me an advantage!

The afternoon flew by, and it's home time. Had a lovely tea and while it cooked I went out a walk to rack up another 2000 steps to get me over the 10k for today.

Worked tonight, whilst watching hotel gb!

Horlicks and now bed

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