All Sides Covered

PLEASE don't look at this picture too closely, and...PLEASE don't put it into LARGE.

(In a whisper)...It's the same bird...not 3 siblings.

Another busy day. A couple hours of baby-sitting, and more than a few hours of painting. In a 30-40 foot long room, with 10 foot ceilings...there is a lot of rolling over your head. I am not a giraffe, and I feel like I've been beaten. Even a hot bath didn't help, but it did remove the paint that I was covered in.

Not much time to take pictures. I took 100...all of them cranes.

A family of 3 was strolling down a farm lane. The title popped into my head. On the Road Again by Willie Nelson, the pot-smoking, gravely-voiced country crooner.

But, 50 yards down the road was a solitary crane. "Where was Mom...where was Dad? It looked kind of young to be by himself. By the time I got him up on the computer...I decided to make him a trio. The Kingston Craneston Trio...that's what I'm calling him.

There is an obvious blending-in line on the picture on the left, and the grass is growing mysteriously high in the lower right corner. Very odd.

In trios or standing alone...cranes...gotta love 'em.

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