Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Day time moth

I've been at home today, working on my presentation for tomorrow night's slideshow (Celebrating Northumberland). It's to celebrate our 30th walking festival.  It's so hard to find all the images I want to use. I know there is a good image of Linnshields Waterfall, but I can't locate it right now. Which external hard drive did I put it on??

I had a break to pick apples and raspberries. While I was enjoying the garden I found this moth on the Michelmas daisies. It was off and away too quickly for me to capture more than this. I'm hoping someone will identify it for me.

It's been a busy day with festival business. People cancelling, people requesting to do more walks, people asking for more directions to the start places, etc., etc.  There was a lovely email from a new walker. He came and did 3 days with us and has sent a long email of praise. He'll be back next year too. That's what we like to hear.

I need a good night's sleep and lots of waterproofs for tomorrow's Fungal Foray.....

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