Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

The Fungal Foray

So today I was the leader for the Fungal Foray. I don't have any expertise regarding fungi, but Gordon Beakes, (pictured), is definitely an expert. My job was to see to the smooth running of the walk. Mary was the back up and it went very well.

We knew there would be rain. There was RAIN, RAIN, RAIN. In fact it rained heavily all day until we finished the walk and then it dried up quite nicely.

We were in the Gelt Wood. This is a beautiful place to walk. Today the River Gelt was in spate and roared its way through the woods. At one point we saw a large tree sailing rapidly along the river. We had to change course when our path went into the river, instead of alongside it. It was exhilarating and terrifying to see so much water going so fast.

Fungi were on the rare side today. The main crop for most was very early this year. There were lots of honey fungi for those who wanted to have mushrooms for tea (recommended with lashings of garlic butter).

Tonight I did a festival presentation to celebrate 30 festivals. The library room was packed out. We had local people who just happened to see the advert, current walkers, previous walkers, present committee and previous committee. We had a lot of fun.

I am rather tired..................

Tomorrow I lead the Literary Walk and Aggie is playing up badly. She doesn't like sitting at the computer all day (yesterday) or doing a walk where we stand a lot (today). Hopefully she will enjoy tomorrow better.

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