Windy Warebeth (Day 891)

It was fairly breezy as I wandered up the hill with the woofers, but the wind wasn't too chilly and it wasn't raining.
Back at home, I finally made a start on cutting the grass. I haven't had the time, or it has been too wet for ages and I have been unable to get it cut. Consequently it was ridiculously long and took ages to cut. According to my Fitbit tracker thing, I walked 5 miles pushing the mower around. The grass looks a bit better now though.
I had a quick lunch and zoomed across to Mum and Dad's to join them for a walk along the shore at Stromness with the dogs. It was pretty windy, and the sky was grey, but the sun was bursting through as we got to Warebeth. Shooting into the sun is never a great idea, and despite this shot being under exposed, I quite like it.
I am very glad to have my beautiful wife home from her long shift at work.

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