
By momcat1

decisions, decisions

I actually got out for a walk on a relatively busy ( though not a work)day. It was quite warm ( high 70's -80 range) so the butterflies were out in force, except for the 2 monarchs who were only out this AM. The 4 cabbage whites were spinning around as well as a couple of painted ladies and a small skipper. The painted ladies are in the extra, I hope I picked the one that was in focus because those 1" views are hard to see fine detail on. 
But I settled on this one for the main photo because it is so evocative of the end of fall. Even though the flowers are valiantly still blooming and it is warmer than it should be for this time of year, it is getting to the end of the year and this little plant is finished and sending it's seeds out to hopefully be part of next spring.

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