Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly


This is Ferd with his new favourite toy, a toy that we never intended on buying him, a toy that Ferd didnt sneak off the shelf himself (and he was doing so well)

At the weekend we popped into Pets at Home - Mr Mouse had been commenting that we never get to go into shops together now, so I decided to treat him lol

Anyway while in there we were looking at the adoption bunnies with our arms full of bunnies bits when I lady asked me what we had - she had been considering a guinea pig, she wanted a friend for her lonely bunny so we got to chatting and I suggested that a female bunnie would be best to introduce to her neutered boy and how when I was little we used to have bunnies and pigs together but it wasnt recommend now. While we were chatting her little girl became fascinated with Ferd patting him playing with his tail etc.

We carried on round the store to check for other bits. When we had got back round to the till the little girl had discovered the squeaky toys and promptly shared her discovery with Ferd - who was all to happy to demonstrate how they work. One slobbered on toy meant we had to buy it - I would feel bad at putting it back on the selves (I know that some people do) but what annoyed me was that her father made no real attempt to stop her other than saying dont do it, then all we got was a sorry and a smile. If I had have been in that position I would have offered to pay for the toy *sigh* I would have refused the offer but the gesture would have been nice.

In other news Day one of no TV went really well, didnt miss it being on in the morning. In the evening we watched Downton Abbey on catch up and then Mr Mouse picked out some old movies from Lovefilm.

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