An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Time Marches On!

Today's blip is a shot of the same little plant in this blip. Not even two months on and it's all dead and withered.

I suppose two months is a long time in the life cycle of a plant. Wonder what the human equivalent is? Erm, sorry I'm wittering!

Alan still off school today and although he's a bit brighter, he's still not himself so I suspect will be off school the rest of the week. Hope this isn't a sign of how his health will be over the winter.

The window cleaner told me the other day that there are rumours that this winter has to be another 2010! EEK! That was a nightmare. We were snowed in for two weeks that year and now we've moved to an even more snowbound place! Must make sure the freezer is well stocked by the end of November!

So, I have achieved very little today although I have made a dental appointment for Monday to sort out the upper molar that cumbled 2 weeks ago. I know, I know I should have had it seen to sooner but it's not causing any pain so I've been quietly ignoring it! Just about to do a Tesco online shop. Oh joy.

Never mind peeps, the weekend is almost upon us! :))) xx

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