The Ford

I went to the Co-op today for food, for me, the cats and the kefir! I'm amazed at how 2 cats who do little more than sleep and purr need so much food. On the way home I wanted to get a photograph of the autumn trees so drove along a road whose trees often delight me - where the trees from either side of the road arch over it and form a tunnel. But I missed the places to stop and found myself simply driving round the base of Kit Hill! I decided to dip down further rather than drive up Kit Hill and stopped to take this tree with a view. As there was no place to turn I headed on down the extremely steep hill  and noticed a turning to my left, thinking it might give a good view of an old mining chimney I took it, to then discover a sign saying "Ford 1 mile." Now I do love a ford so continued for a mile! 
What a delightful ford it was! There was a fire burning on the other side of the stream and a lovely road winding back out of this little valley that felt like a place stopped in time. A place I shall definitely return to and do a walk. I pootled about happily for a short while and felt more like me than I have for a long time. 
On the way home I decided to check on the girls and any damage done by Ophelia. Well apart from Flora's scarf being blown off there was none and the girls were all happy! My Fellow Allotmenter  was there, bemoaning the state of his plot, I told him to go look at mine and then he would be happier! I picked more yellow courgettes, another white rose as I did the usual walk round looking for Polly, and gave the girls some apples and Swiss chard. The only thing moving were the midges - nasty little devils - good job I had a top with a hoodie! There was such a sense of calm on the allotment, there usually is, but today it was heightened by the fact there was not a breath of wind. The calm after the storm. 

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