
By Madchickenwoman

Familiar Sight

Water bejewelled cobwebs and the last of the autumn raspberries on my allotment! Last night I harvested the red Kuri and butternut  squash today it was  the sweet dumplings! Forgot to say that last night I left Oscar at home whilst I did the hen close - and he was lying peacefully in front of the front door when I got home!
Today was a quick trip to Tavistock to collect the 2 clocks and my dads Garrard watch.  One of the clocks was a present from my mum - so now I have both my mum and dad telling me the time! I'm particularly pleased with my dads watch and decided not to have the glass replaced as I like the fact there is a scratch on it from when my dad wore it. On the back is an inscription as it was presented to my dad for good service at R. Silcock & Sons Ltd, 1936-1961, he actually worked there for many more years. I remember going to his work for Christmas parties a s a child - do they even do that nowadays at firms? I was stopped 3 times to be asked about Oscar! Not bad considering I only parked a short distance from the clock shop! A quick stop at Morrisons and the farm shop for supplies for me, the hens and Gunther then home to rest! 
Sadly I received news from the mum of one of the children from my first class when I moved to Plymouth. She had passed away in the night. She's been poorly a few weeks ago, and our meeting up had been cancelled, but she had recovered as she has over all the many, many times she has been very ill. This time she just didn't have the strength to fight. That means all the children but one from that class have now gone. It's never right to lose a child, but for the parents at least they are spared the worry over who will look after their child when they die. Scant comfort I know, but even when the child is young I know this is a worry the parents have. I know the parents of many of the children I have taught down here will be at the funeral - and the nurses and physios, it's a small but close community.

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