
Poor wee Katie is finding this going to school a bit tough....all this homework, after school clubs and just being at school for 6 hours Mon-Fri!!! She is struggling to get up in the morning too and now being a wee bit off when we get to the gates. There are no tears but she wants to be "taken" to the playground assistant. Poor Meg has that role as we mums aren't allowed in the gates (well we are just to take them in but if I tell Katie this she will play on it every day!!). Once she is in she is fine, it's just Katie's wee way even at nursery she done this!

I took this shot after dancing tonight....just too very very tired.

We didn't go to Granny's today as she was poorly in the night but a bit better now although very tired.

No crying from Jessica when she went to dancing either, she even managed to say bye to me.

I think Jessica's nursery may have a "reprieve" from closure. There is to be a meeting on Friday to find out. Here's hoping.


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