Mood Swings

Tonight Johnny, Katie and Jessica were laying out all of their Moshi figures on the floor. Johnny had all of his lined up like soldiers when Jessica tried to step over them............and disaster....he was furious! She then shouted at him for shouting at her......mayhem.

So out comes the camera, I said "Johnny, lie of the floor at the end of your moshi figures and let me take a picture of you with them?"...."grunt grunt I don't want to Mum!" It took a lot of coaxing to get his face from grumpy to giggling but we got there in the end and what a handsome smile I have here too as a result!

Snuffles had her booster jab today and she was so brave!! Me and Mum were all wound up for a crazy wee moody dog today and she has been no bother, didn't even cry when the needle went in!

Wacky Wednesday tomorrow and tea at Granny's for the kids.

See you all later


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