Footprints in Photos

By AnnaSpanner


Feeling really positive at the moment. J is back in work although the coffee shop isn't fully up and running yet. I'm really enjoying changing my fitness routine as well, which, now I've got over the shock of not falling to my regular safe place of just running for miles, is starting to make me feel fitter and more confident as I try and succeed new exercises.

I'm on my own with the kids from wake up till they go to bed which is strange after having J at home since may, but I'm quite liking having the control over what's happening again, and being able to give the kids my undecided attention.

This works both ways though as J is feeling more motivated to set about doung great things at work, which in turn is bringing his self esteem back up to where it was before being made redundant. His new boss appears to trust J enough to let him run things as he sees fit, and I've no doubt it'll be an awesome little place to hang out for years to come.

We had our first potty free day today so it's been toilets all the way for L. Very liberating and she's taking full use of the facilities wherever we go.... Which was mostly indoor play today.

This evening I've learned to thread eyebrows thanks to YouTube. I'm hoping this will be a great new skill and not something with disaster written all over it.

Last Mrs Biggs this evening. Thoroughly enjoyed every episode.

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