The 2012 Open Champion Ernie Els
14.9C sunny, light breeze and warm in the sunshine.
Maeve the Deerhound and I went for our walk after lunch. We walked up to the church and down the field with the bridle path. There was a lady coming the other way in the next field with a Scottish Terrier. She often wears very colourful wellies. We waved across.
We carried on along the cycle path then went through the little field of sheep between the cycle path and the railway line and over the level crossing. The tide was out again today so we had good firm damp sand for Maeve to walk on although there was a lot of seaweed to avoid. No one at the Fishermen's huts so Maeve and I looked had a potter around the boats and tractors. We said hello to a lady returning to her cottage with some shopping in one of those wheeled trolleys as we walked towards the road bridge.
Since it was such a warm day I decided to go along to the golf course and see if I could get near enough with Maeve to see anything. We got right up to the barrier at the 18th green and watched two or three groups play the last hole. A few people, including a very friendly and chatty policeman, stopped by to make a fuss of Maeve but she did start to get restless after a while so I walked her into the area between the 18th green and the road where the big scoreboard is and had a glance at the scores.
I noticed that the current Open Champion Ernie Els was due to play the last hole so we walked down the side of the 18th fairway until we could see his group approaching the places their tee shots had reached on the fairway. They played into the green. Maeve and I walked back towards the green and watched them all finish. Maeve was more interested in meeting our fellow spectators. Then we spotted that we could get near to where the players came off the course as they went to record their scores in the scorers hut. Camera quickly on to sports mode and some opportunistic one handed snapping later we have today's blip. Ernie Els. He is a very big man!
We had a pleasant walk back home in the sunshine.
Later ... Maeve is fast asleep again. Too much excitement :-)
I wonder if she was caught on camera for the telly !
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