
KL has been wonderful but chaotic. The people were beautiful but the concrete and cars got a little too much.

The team has now split and four of us have flown up to Penang Island in the north of Malaysia. Already you can sense an entirely different vibe. Though there are still high rise towers in abundance, every now and again you'll catch a glimpse of the mountains or the sea.

It's me and three men on this leg of the trip and we're staying in the grounds of a home for the blind. Because I'm the only girl I have separate accommodation which is basic but it's nice to have a little space.

Again, we've met some wonderful people today, full of stories and testimonies. I'll try and write about them when I'm not stealing the boys wifi with my phone hanging out of the wall.

Carl needed a medicinal drink before dinner so we went and found a bar and had a pint. It was refreshing on more than one level.

Dinner, a tour of the island and now to my cottage for bed!

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