Remembering ......

...... the past!
This was a photo taken by my friend ( who I trained with in1955) , we went to West Cork in Ireland in about 1997 where these Fuchsia 's grow in the hedgerows. But alas that won't happen again as she is in a residential home suffering from Alzheimer's. I hope to see her on Saturday for an hour or so. As I'm staying with a friend in Eastbourne tomorrow night I will go home via Seaford. It's appropriate to be remembering today as a year ago today the tram disaster happened when people went to work on the tram and several didn't return. New Addington Croydon had a memorial service this morning when a monument was erected for all times.
The weather was grey and dull/dank but still I had the car washed , after a trip to the local tip, helped by "A" and then by the kind people working at the tip.
Just before I left for the hairdressers my daughter phoned to say there had been a "blip" and they weren't going away on there arranged one night trip . Watch this space for conclusion !!

Thankful ...... that my grandson has arrived back safely from the Seychelles.

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