Looking Over Hamnavoe

The gales died down and a slightly better day.  It's been freezing cold, wintery showers, with wet snow at times and then some sunny spells. 

I've had the day off work, and up early after a good night sleep.  The morning was spent puttering about the house and getting on with house chores.  I headed into town for a few errands, and also got the chance to watch a pod of humpback whales, but they were quite a distance away.  Madeline popped over for a cuppa, then mam too.  Friend Julie came over for tea tonight, a now it's a quiet evening at home. 

Me and mam headed to Burra to pick up niece Elise from school.  It wasn't much of a day, but we decided to go for a walk about with Sammy.  This is a quick snap looking over the village of Hamnavoe, Burra. 

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