The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

No Picture Postcard

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

It was a blissful Sunday. It was below zero today so I decided to combat the cabin fever from being stuck in the office yesterday with a family trip to the beach. I LOVE beaches in winter because it’s too cold to sit on them and I don’t have to deal with the combinations of suntan lotion, food and sand.

Half of the mini camp was enthusiastic and the other half had enough sense to realise that my plan for a ‘fun filled activity’ was non-negotiable. That may have been reinforced when I emitted a low growling noise at the hint of a moan.

It really was the perfect day for the beach; baltic, bracing and gloriously sunny. The four of us chatted and laughed watching Murphy bounding along the beach like a gazelle on speed. I had cunningly packed chocolate for keep energy levels up.

None of us had remembered to bring a phone or camera but sometimes it’s nice just to be in the picture instead of taking it.


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