The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Come Fly With Me

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Dodzilla (who sits next to me at work) is terrified of flying. He hasn’t been on a plane for 10 years and had booked himself on a Fear of Flying course as the weekend. As you can imagine, we were all very supportive. To help with his nerves, I suggested he watched The Medusa Touch*. I told him NOT to imagine me in Richard Burton’s role, as I ABSOLUTELY DO NOT have the power of telekinesis and DEFINITELY NOT to think about it on the plane. I’m sure our heartfelt offerings made all the difference because he had completed the final part of the course - a plane journey up to Aberdeen and back.

We congratulated him.

And then referred to him as Biggles for the rest of the day.


*I still feel the hairs on the back of my neck rising when I think about that film. I was quite young when I watched it and I used to imagine that random people had these secret powers and that they would use them for dastardly deeds like nicking my bike and other important stuff. I was also very disappointed to realise, that try as I might, I could not tidy my room using my mind.

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