From where I'm sitting

By LoobyG

Not a morning person

I'm generally pretty rubbish at mornings (hmmm, and I say the same about Fridays - I'm obviously at my best at round about 3pm on a Tuesday afternoon!) Mr G is much better at them, and often brings me a cup of coffee first thing to help bring me round and ease me into the day. I'm lost when he's away with work (or at least, much much slower to get started!) It's a good job Little G is doing afternoon pre-school at the moment, so we seldolm actually have to be anywhere in the mornings.

Anyway, this is the view from my daughter's bedroom when I finally got around to opening the curtains at about 7.30 this morning - a shot grabbed on my phone camera, because I was too lazy to go downstairs to get the proper one. Skies like this do sort of make mornings a bit easier, although this shot doesn't really do justice to the colours.

Hope you all have a lovely day, and a lovely week.

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