Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Dawyck Botanic Gardens

Botanic (adj) - Of or relating to plants or plant life

I often wonder why you get "botanic" gardens, surely based on the definition of botanic all gardens are botanic?

Anyhow, I digress...

We took advantage of having the car to take a daytrip to Dawyck Botanical Gardens. SatNag took us on a very interesting route to get there so we relied on KatNav to get us home. The gardens were stunning, more like walking through a woodland than a garden. It was rainy and a bit damp but fantastic. I think the weather helped actually as we got the place pretty much to ourselves. The wet summer had really helped the hostas and ferns. I had so many photos I could have used today (yet again, I forgot the macro lenses). I loved the beard lichen and the trees were completely covered in it. To my delight they even had dairy free cupcakes in the cafe.

Would love to visit again in a different season. On our way home we detoured by Roslyn Glen and accidentally found we'd gone down a path that was supposed to be closed. There was only one point when we had to jump a gap that led to the river.

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