Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat


I know, they don't look like your typical ramblers, but today they were.

Today it was the Water of Leith Conservation Trust River Ramble. Basically it's a nice walk along the length of the river to raise money. The Boy decided to take the daytime off work so that he could come along too and we had a couple of friends join us.

It was a really nice day, unfortunately wildlife was thin on the ground, I didn't even see a heron! However we were blessed with beautiful weather and the sun shone on us with not a cloud in the sky. It made for a really nice walk.

I know, I know, the podiatrist banned me from walking. Well, I'd been really good at sticking to the walking ban so I thought one walk wouldn't do any harm. My arch niggled but I had more problem with my knees than my feet!

After the walk The Boy headed to work whilst we headed to the pub for a much deserved pint.

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