THE BIG 5 0!

Friday 24th November 2017 (1917)

WOW! What a day! I hit the big 50. 

Mum and I went for a tour of Concorde at Manchester airport this morning. It was wonderful to walk around under the aircraft, go and sit in the luxury seats and visit the flight deck. Yes, the bottom picture does look as though the aircraft is bent. I used a panoramic shot on my phone, which was the only way to get the whole aircraft in! I quite like it. The trip was wonderful and we all received a certificate to say we'd been aboard. 

We then caught the tram in to the centre of Manchester to visit the Christmas market. We got off a couple of stops too early so had rather a long walk before we found one of the markets. We only had time for a bite to eat and a wander round that one, there are other areas of markets too. It was getting cold and time was moving on so we got the tram back to the car and returned home for a rest before ....

... an amazing evening. Four members of the congregation had invited me out for a meal. We were picked up and taken to ... the church hall. There was then a charade about a problem with lights in the hall which they needed to sort before we could go out and we were asked to go and sit in the warm. Just as we arrived in the hall the lights went on and I was faced with a surprised party with approx 100 members of the congregation there to celebrate my birthday! I've never had a surprise party before. It was amazing! As well as the party they've given me a very generous gift of driving three super cars on 6 laps a piece round a race track. Watch this space! They'd also written a song about me to the tune of Ilkley Moor Barht'at. This is one birthday I will not forget ... and the celebrations continue over the weekend.  

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